Saturday, December 29, 2007

Reel Lines (23) Film Festival

Jason Bourne: Jason Bourne is dead, you hear me? He drowned two weeks ago. You're gonna go tell 'em that Jason Bourne is dead, you understand?
Conklin: Where are you gonna go?
Jason Bourne: I swear to God, if I even feel somebody behind me, there is no measure to how fast and how hard I will bring this fight to your doorstep. I'm on my own side now.

Tom Cronin: He's making his first mistake.
Nicky: It's not a mistake. They don't make mistakes. They don't do random. There's always an objective. Always a target.
Pamela Landy: The objectives and targets always came from us. Who's giving them to him now?
Nicky: Scary version? He is.

Pamela Landy: David. Why don't you come in with me? It'll be better if we do this together.
Jason Bourne: No. This is where it started for me. This is where it ends.



At January 10, 2008 1:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

The last one was the best by far. I am so sad it's over.


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