Monday, July 07, 2008

Blue Healer

Jack has really settled in. I was afraid at first that I had made a mistake when I adopted him.
He was damaged... And so was I. I was afraid that selfishness and lonelyness had pushed me to make a bad choice.
My ex-wife really did a number on my psyche. After the divorce all my bad qualities were elevated to new and terrible heights. When I came back to some sort of normal, my first real relationship managed to stick the knife in almost the exact same slot. It nearly unhinged me.
I've been fighting the good fight this time... But I wasn't gaining much ground.
It's good to have a dog again. He and I are learning each other, and things are good.
Yesterday we spent our first entire day together.
He did the 7.5 mile loop like a champ, stopping at the dog park for a little while. Not many dogs there early in the morning and he got bored quickly.
We met a friend for lunch at Opal Divine's on 6th, and Jack was well behaved... If a little restless.
I had to do a service call for work, and he waited in the Jeep very patiently.
Back at the dog park it was really crowded... I think I misread the animal aggression thing. He did very well, even when a little dog got all snappy right in his face. He is as fast as lightning, easily outstripping all the other dogs on the field, but he doesn't swim well... He's all muscle and slowly his hips go down and he ends up splashing like a drowning man.
We ended the night at a friend's house for a movie, and he stayed in the backyard and ran through the sprinkler.
Back at home he curled up on his blanket and was out like a light.
It feels good to have someone to take care of. I need that I suppose. He's happy to have a new home, and shows me by trying to learn. He learns very quickly. Dogs go in back of the Jeep. No jumping on the furniture. Sit, down, shake and we're working on stay... That one may take a while.
We're gonna be OK. Both of us.



At July 07, 2008 6:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to meet Jack, oh and celebrate you b-day, too, K. We went ahead and booked a room on the riverwalk for Thursday and Friday. We'll be in Austin on Saturday.



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