Thursday, July 31, 2008

Still Life

I suppose sometimes it seems like all I do around here is bitch. Sometimes that is all I do around here.
Well, all things considered, yesterday wasn't a bad day. Work was fairly productive. I left for home an hour and a half early, which means I walked early, which means more time at the dog park.
I love watching happy dogs play. Jack got attacked by a big sheppard/yellow lab mix that had 30lbs on him, but I have to say he handled himself well, and he finished it with no human intervention.
I got home just as one of my neighbors did too. She rarely drives her car, so I let her park in my driveway rather than the street. I hadn't seen her in two months and she was very complimentary about my weight loss.
She had taken her roommate's dog to the river and so Jack got to meet Oscar and play some more before I went inside. She had also picked some wildflowers at the river and gave them to me to brighten up my house. Women are funny that way, aren't they? I thought the flowers along with the bowl of tomatos, peppers and squashes really did brighten up the kitchen. Don't you?



At July 31, 2008 2:11 PM, Blogger Bag Blog said...

That is actually very artsy.

At July 31, 2008 2:14 PM, Blogger K-nine said...

Why thank you. They smell good too.


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