Friday, December 19, 2008

I'll Have A Blue Christmas

My ex-girlfriend is going home to NY for Christmas... Which in and of itself is not a big deal to me.
How this does affect me though, is that I'm going to dog sit for her while she's gone. While we were dating, she adopted a blue heeler mix named Regan. He's a good dog, and I got to help raise him for the first year of his life... He lived with me for a lot of that time.
I've missed Regan since they've been out of my life, and I'm really excited to have him with me and Jack through the holiday. He and Jack have met before and they are only about a month different in age. I think they will have a ball making me crazy the whole time they're together.
I think I'll have a ball having not one, but two crazy freaking blue dingos tear-assing around my house. I'm gonna play Santa for both of them and have some presents for them to unwrap. I'll try to take some pictures in between the screaming and breaking of objects.

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At December 19, 2008 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will have a lot of fun with those two I'm sure.I have had several Blue Heelers ,along with our Black-mouth curs to work cattle. They are great little dogs,a quick learn & very territorial,around our horses & pickups.My favorite Heeler was named Rooster!,lost him a few yrs ago to a snakebite. Your Jack,looks just like him.Have a Merry Christmas.

At December 21, 2008 12:14 AM, Blogger DammitWomann said...

How fun is that gonna be !!!!

Jack gets a sleepover buddy.


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