Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday Ink #32

All sewn up... "A" was with last week's girl ("T") in front of Casa Columbia on E 7th street. I was waiting, and these beautiful women were getting ready to go, so... Being the quiet, shy type I struck up a conversation. Of course I saw the (sadly unfinished) pistols (They're a little hard to miss) and the pin up girl, but I was a little surprised by the mom and dad tributes on her shapely calves and I was stunned by the taco on her hip... Yes, taco... On her hip... Yes, I asked... She just likes tacos.



At April 26, 2009 2:21 PM, Anonymous JRB said...

Every time I eat tacos they go straight to my hips too.....

At April 26, 2009 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

..... you honestly find a woman with a taco penned to her hip attractive?.... or just merely interesting?.......

At April 27, 2009 10:57 AM, Blogger K-nine said...

Note about the Sunday Ink girls. I do not find them attractive BECAUSE of the tattoos...
These girls are attractive in their own right. It's just a lot harder to walk up to a girl without tattoos and ask, "Can I take pictures of various parts of your anatomy and post them on my web page?"
I'd probably get slapped... A lot.

At May 02, 2009 10:08 PM, Anonymous Bou said...

Wow. That is a lot of... ink. I guess she likes guns 'n roses?

I can honestly say, there is not a food I like enough to have it tattoo'd to my bod. I'd have big chocolate bars and bowls of ice cream ink'd in. Maybe a big bowl of cheese fondue with a loaf of bread? Hmm.


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