Saturday, March 26, 2011

Happy Trails

Next up on the very cool old stuff is this Auto Trails Map by Rand McNally ca. 1922. I cant help but wonder why it wasn't yet a road map. They were roads back then... Hmm.

I love the fact that it has all sorts of usefull information... such as:

North Carolina: Registration Fee, $10 to $20 depending on horsepower. Speed Limit: 10 business section, residential 18 and elsewhere 25.

In Charlotte, NC you could stay at the Stonewall hotel for $1.50 and up. Atlanta, Ga was a little more hoity toity with $2.00 rooms at the Hotel Cecil. If you really wanted to splurge, go to Chattanooga, TN and the Signal Mountain Hotel for a whopping $3.00!

The whole thing is only 4x8" and most of the maps are half a page... Or less! The bigger cities like DC, Atlanta and Cincinatti are double pages. It's amazing we got anywhere at all.



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