Wednesday, November 09, 2011


As a lot of you know, I was at a blogmeet in Tennessee recently.  Wonderful people.  A recap is coming soon...  very soon. 
One thing that has changed over the years of blogmeets (Our little group in particular) is that originally it was much like a bachelor party.  A camera could get you killed.  Since then as we have matured as friends as well as people, and now pictures are treasured and often posted as opposed to being used for blackmail. 
Most of us are still point and shooters, or cameraphoners, but Elisson and Erica (at the very least) are accomplished photogs...  and no insult to Elisson (especially since he was my 100 word stories mentor), but Erica has inspired me to start framing a photo or two and post some of my favorites. 
Granted, my technical skill is lacking and my equipment sub par, but the will is strong, and I've been told I have a good eye.  So, here we go...
Past reflections
Photo by K-Nine
This picture is an antique mirror that was hanging on my antique wall by the front door.  I noticed that if I sat on the stairs near the bottom I could see my reflection...  blurry though it be due to the old painted-on silver mercury type glass.


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