Monday, March 27, 2006

A Moving Experence

Posting will be light for a couple of days, I'm moving. I'm staying in Austin, just moving into a house. A friend of mine got married and is moving in with his wife, I am taking over his house. It's older and on the east side, and I am excited. Especially since he has a big shop with lots of cool power tools to use. WOOO-HOOO! This means a second bedroom in case anyone visits. A yard to play in (plant stuff, work in the dirt &tc). Wednesday is the big day. Wish me luck.

Oh, yeah. Almost forgot. April first will be my five year anniversary in Texas. Not bad for an old road dog. I havn't lived ANYWHERE for more than two since I was 21.

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At March 28, 2006 1:38 PM, Blogger rabbit said...

That's great news, Kev. No maybe I'll come back to visit again this year, say around the first weekend in November.

At March 28, 2006 6:58 PM, Blogger K-nine said...

Thinking Terlingua, Rabbit?


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