Thursday, May 22, 2008

Less Of Me To Love (Or Hate)

No words needed.
I guess there is some clarification needed here. I used the March picture because I didn't have anything more recent. I had my last drink of alcohol on May 9th. My last Pepsi on May 11th. Started walking on May 12th. In 9 days I dropped from over 220lbs to 195. On the 10th day I was at my current weight of 190. Come Mon the 26th I'll add situps to the mix for some definition.



At May 22, 2008 2:44 PM, Blogger Omnibabe said...

Smokin' HAWT, Dude. All that hard work and sacrifice truly paid off.

P.S. -- You coming to this shindig? It sure would be nice to see you there!

At May 22, 2008 3:47 PM, Blogger K-nine said...

First I've heard of it. I don't make plans that far off really well, but if my life is still intact at that point, count me in.

At May 27, 2008 11:46 AM, Blogger Jerry in Texas said...

Hey K-9,
You oughta come down to K'ville (or is it Hunt, TX) for the blogmeet. We've got a good bunch lined up. Mostly locals but some outside folks too. I'm driving over from Houston. I went to the one last year. Didn't know a soul, and had a blast. I won't be drinking either.

Come on down (over?)!!

At May 27, 2008 4:34 PM, Blogger Elisson said...

Way to go, K-Nine. Take them pounds off now while you're young. It's a much bigger Pain in the Ass when you get to be my age.

At May 30, 2008 6:26 PM, Blogger That 1 Guy said...

Thanks for the link, and congrats, man!

Don't know how much I'll have lost 'til I hop on the scale on Sunday, but you're definitely way ahead of me...

At May 31, 2008 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, no way in hell could I lose the equivalent weight in that amount of time. I say equivalent as in % to your weight you lost. At best I can lose 4 lb in a week... in the beginning, but then I can only lose 2/wk.

Congrats to you! That is some serious dedication!!!


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