...Around the sun.
This has been a fucked up two years. I've tried to write this post three times today, and I'm in such a hurt and nasty mood I've deleted it all three times.
Every time I think I've let go of the pain and anger, I get hit right in the teeth with something. Sometimes it can be as simple as being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Tomorrow morning Jack and I will rise before the sun, and spend the morning in an undisclosed and (hopefully) unpopulated spot. I have given only one person a clue as to where I will be.
I will reflect on the last two years, and how much they have affected and changed my life. I will look to the future and weigh my options, such that they are.
Afterwards, I will come out of hiding and join friends and family. Around 5:30-6:00 I will go to
BD Rileys and down a few pints of Guinness and a shot or two of Wild Turkey. Feel free to join me and feel free to buy me a pint. Even if I'm not in a better mood, I'll pretend to be. I've gotten pretty good at pretending to be.
Labels: All About Me
Happy Early Birthday!
You're going to be fine. Everyone has good days/bad days. You'll get thru it. I won't be able to make it tomorrow - don't really want to face particular people.... :)
Love & Hugs
English Muffin.
Regardless of your mood .. your feelings ... your outlook on life ... I want to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I mean it.. and I'm sorry you're going thru such a rough time. It will pass - it always does....and I know that from first-hand life experience.
Happy Birthday (early!).
One of these days I am going to take you up on the meet up at BD Riley's!
Birthday curse?
Birthday hugs from me, darlin'!
FWIW, I got struck by lightning at my birthday party out at Emma Long Park aka City Park this year!
Yours cannot be that bad ;)
Melissa In (Austin) Texas
Happy Birthday, Dude.
Just remember. You're only one day older than you were yesterday.
This, too, shall pass. Being with good friends is the best medicine.
Happy Birthday Bro. I don't think I will be able to share a pint with you today, but I wish you a great year going forward.
Happy Birthday and greetings from Ohio.
Happy birthday, brother man! Wish I could be there to raise a pint to you!
Thanks everyone! And Melissa, now I have something to aspire to. Lightning. Nice.
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