Bou does this all the time, so I'm stealing a cue from her... Except hers is not bullshitting... Anyway. I'm officially back on the east coast, Except for my jeep, which I have to go back and get, or have shipped.
I went back to Austin to retrieve my belongings, the redhead who has taken residence in my life, her dog and cat and all her stuff. All went smoothly aside from the dehidration, subsequent upper respiratory infection, walking pnemonia and 4 day delay while I recouped enough energy to drive across country in a Dodge dually with a 28' horse trailer two dogs and a cat. The redhead had to leave ahead of me due to items being shipped to our new address... She isn't exactly the empathetic type anyway, so I was better off without her telling me to suck it up and get moving.
Yep, smooth as silk. Except for breaking down 2 miles from the Alabama border with a 28' horse trailer, 2 dogs, one of which is a 95lb Bouvier des Flandres, the other of which is wearing a splint and a cat. I managed to limp into a weigh station and use it a base of operation. I got the horse trailer hauled one day, the truck the next, all while stranded in Meridian, Miss... with 2 dogs and a cat.
Still, I'm home now, and all is right with the world. I have a Harry Potter scar on my forehead, due to a falling piece of molding with nails in it. The dogs and the cat are happy not to be stranded in Mississippi anymore. I'm now working on the redhead's home office. Painting and patching. Her victorian desk and corner laywer's bookcase will arrive wednesday, just long enough for me to polish the floor and fix the tiles on her fireplace.
I'm so far behind that blogging has to take a back seat. I'm almost caught up now though. So, this blog will show more use and the new blog will finally get up and running. Lots of pics to come... Thanks for hanging in there.
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