I love my dog... Really. I LOVE my dog... There are days, However, that I just want to twist his little blue neck shut till the bubbles stop.
Labels: Animals
"The disposition of noble dogs is to be gentle with people they know and the opposite with those they don't know... How, then, can the dog be anything other than a lover of learning since it defines what's its own and what's alien." - Plato
I love my dog... Really. I LOVE my dog... There are days, However, that I just want to twist his little blue neck shut till the bubbles stop.
Labels: Animals
Labels: Reel Lines 21-40
I love the fact that it has all sorts of usefull information... such as:
North Carolina: Registration Fee, $10 to $20 depending on horsepower. Speed Limit: 10 business section, residential 18 and elsewhere 25.
In Charlotte, NC you could stay at the Stonewall hotel for $1.50 and up. Atlanta, Ga was a little more hoity toity with $2.00 rooms at the Hotel Cecil. If you really wanted to splurge, go to Chattanooga, TN and the Signal Mountain Hotel for a whopping $3.00!
The whole thing is only 4x8" and most of the maps are half a page... Or less! The bigger cities like DC, Atlanta and Cincinatti are double pages. It's amazing we got anywhere at all.
Labels: Old Stuff
Labels: Old Stuff
Labels: Old Stuff
Labels: Hunger Pangs
Labels: Animals