Fear Factor
Labels: All About Me, Halloween
"The disposition of noble dogs is to be gentle with people they know and the opposite with those they don't know... How, then, can the dog be anything other than a lover of learning since it defines what's its own and what's alien." - Plato
Labels: All About Me, Halloween
Labels: Pirate Football
Labels: Pirate Football
Labels: Reel Lines
Labels: 100 word stories 1-20
Labels: Pirate Football
Labels: Tasteless Stories
On a sad note, Bud Elkins, the stuntman who did the final motorcycle jump over the barbed wire in The Great Escape (Steve McQueen did most of his own riding in the movie) passed away Oct 10th at the age of 77. Elkins also did much of the driving in the chase scene in Bullitt. Those two scenes changed action movies forever. So long, Bud.
Labels: Reel Lines
Labels: Naked Lunch Specials
Today is Columbus Day. I won't stand in the middle of the argument about discovering a place where people already lived, but he was most likely the first Eurotrash tourist in the caribean.
Labels: History
Hell, if I were an illegal immigrant I wouln't pay attention to that crap either.The people of the United States, to form one more a more perfect union, we establish justice, we assured domestic tranquillity, we anticipate the common defense, we promote the general well-being, and we assured the blessings the freedom to we ourself and our posterity, ordain and establishes this constitution for the United States of America.
Labels: Useless crap
Labels: Pirate Football
The cold war was marching into it's second decade and this Soviet coup was a startling blow to the collective American ego. Nestled snuggly between the Korean conflict and the Cuban missle crisis, a succesfull satellite launch galvenized the United States and NASA into actions that eventually culminated in the 1969 moonlanding.
Labels: History