Sounds A Little Hokie
Labels: Pirate Football
"The disposition of noble dogs is to be gentle with people they know and the opposite with those they don't know... How, then, can the dog be anything other than a lover of learning since it defines what's its own and what's alien." - Plato
Labels: Pirate Football
Come Saturday it's the opening game of the Pirate season. The boys will be playing Va Tech in Charlotte at 12pm eastern (That's 11am my time). They handed us a 10 point loss last year, so let's see what we can do about that...
Labels: Pirate Football
Labels: Songs In My Head
Labels: Animals
Labels: Mom And Pop
Labels: Mi Tejas
Labels: Mom And Pop
Labels: Health Nut
Labels: All About Me, Mi Tejas
I've wasted my hands,
Labels: Songs In My Head
Labels: All About Me
Labels: Reel Lines 21-40
Labels: Reel Lines 21-40
Labels: All About Me
I'm so sick of writing
Labels: Songs In My Head
Labels: 100 word stories 21-40
Labels: Oft Quoted
Labels: Health Nut
Eppicard##AUTOMATIC NOTIFICATION#Your EPPICard account is closed due to unusual activity,please call 1.7869752381 to restore your access.
Labels: Rants
Speaks volumes, don't it.
Labels: Friends Like These
Labels: 100 word stories 21-40
Labels: All About Me
Labels: All About Me
Labels: Mi Tejas
Labels: Animals