Born And Bread
Labels: Health Nut
"The disposition of noble dogs is to be gentle with people they know and the opposite with those they don't know... How, then, can the dog be anything other than a lover of learning since it defines what's its own and what's alien." - Plato
Labels: Health Nut
Labels: Mi Tejas
Labels: All About Me
Labels: Health Nut
Playing tonight at the lovely Paramount Theater on Congress Ave. in beautiful downtown Austin at 7pm. I'm going to skip my 4 mile loop tonight just to see this movie in the theater. It's a double feature with The Birds.
Labels: Reel Lines 21-40
Labels: Health Nut, Hunger Pangs
Labels: All About Me
A couple of random thoughts about my '77 Dodge, aka the Big Blue Beast... While I'm on the subject.
Labels: Random Memories
Labels: Random Memories
Labels: All About Me, Animals
Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time. -George Carlin
Labels: Oft Quoted
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy. -William Butler Yeats
Labels: All About Me
Them: You remind me of Robert Mitchum.
Labels: Friends Like These
Labels: Home Is Where...
Labels: 100 word stories 21-40
Labels: Animals
Labels: Rants
Labels: Reel Lines 21-40
Labels: 100 word stories 21-40
I've posted about my father a couple of times. This Father's Day I'll tell you what comes to mind when I think of my Pop.
Labels: Mom And Pop, Random Memories
Letters full of loveless lying
Labels: Songs In My Head
I have been asked why I stopped writing any political commentary here. Easy answer: Why bother?
Labels: Political Opinion
Labels: Useless crap
Labels: All About Me
...I miss being in love.
I miss having someone to talk with at night and to snuggle with in the sheets. I miss having someone who trusts me to be strong when I let her know about my fears ahead of time, because I can speak of those fears to her (only her), and I miss having someone who is proud of me when I overcome those fears and succeed. I miss cooking supper for my family. I miss looking up from the book I'm reading or the article I'm writing just to see HER across the room and feel my heart swell just from the sight of her. -Acidman
Labels: Other Bloggers
Labels: Health Nut
Labels: Health Nut
I'm a pretty good cook, so long as I don't get too fancy. The only problem with cooking for one is that it cant be done. Every package, every recipe is designed for two or more people. I know if any leftovers get put in my fridge they will probably leave under their own power. Still, I can't resist sometimes. Last night was a pork tenderloin. I started by cooking some brown rice and steaming half an acorn squash.
Labels: Hunger Pangs
Labels: Useless crap
Labels: Rants
Labels: Songs In My Head
Labels: Health Nut
Labels: Reel Lines 21-40
Labels: 100 word stories 21-40
Labels: Health Nut
Labels: Health Nut
Nameless Friend: Dude, saw your pictures on your blog... Not bad
Labels: Friends Like These